Your Future Untangled

College and career decisions made simple

We help you create a career path you can love!

Sure, you could figure it out as you go.

Here’s the deal…

1 in 3 students quit by the end of Freshman year

Don’t waste your time and tuition money

Feeling overwhelmed?

Worried about making mistakes?

Don’t know where to start?

Making decisions about college and career are some of the first decisions you make on your own as an adult.

You know why it sucks so much? 

Because it’s not just a box you can check off or get a passing grade.

Welcome to adulting! Where you have to learn how to focus, tweak and adjust. 

It feels like if you mess up this one decision, you will ruin everything.

If trying to figure it out has your stomach in knots, then work with us to get untangled

We help you:

  • Break down this decision into bite-sized pieces

  • Find opportunities to make adjustments and fine-tune your path as you go

  • Narrow your options drastically with just one question

What Our Clients Are Saying

But, How Will We Help YOU?

Own who you are and what makes you happy

You go to college to learn new skills. But what about the ones you've already got?

Fall in love with who you are so you can Be Your Best You!

This is the starting point in your career planning strategy.

Narrow down your career options to ones that light you up!

Listen, choosing a career is overwhelming. Once you understand your skills and ideal environment, we help you make a list of careers that fit you.

You don't have to change yourself for a good job. You just need to find the job that fits you as you are!

Then you can dig deeper into options and focus on the RIGHT college and career path.

Understand your talents

Do you like to work alone? Or do you need colleagues to brainstorm ideas and collaborate?

Can you realistically sit all day at a desk? Or do you need a job that keeps you moving?

You will feel more satisfied in your career if you know the answers to these questions.

We use the CliftonStrengths assessment to help you understand the activities that energize you. It gives you the words to ask for the roles that will make you happy.

 Face the future with confidence with our step-by-step plan

How we work with you:

Pick the RIGHT Major


Determine the RIGHT major without being overwhelmed during this group coaching. Walk through a clear formula to create a career path that is right for your future!

  • Classes are limited to 6 students

  • 6 Group Sessions

  • Includes phases 1, 2 & 3 below

Career Activator - Student


Get the same clear formula, but now with individual attention. We partner with you step-by-step to create a future you can get excited about.

  • 1-on-1 Coaching

  • 8 Sessions

  • Includes all phases below + bonus content

Fast Track Program - Student


Already confident but want validation that you are making the best choice? Let’s find and fill any holes in your plan so that you are set up for success.

  • 1-on-1 Coaching

  • 3 Sessions

  • Includes phase 1 below

Walk away from each session with more confidence about creating a career that is right for you!

  • Career Exploration and CliftonStrengths Coaching

    Know who you are:

    - What are your interests, skills, and preferences

    - Understand your natural talents - CliftonStrengths assessment and coaching

    - Explore careers to find potential matches

  • Align your career ideas with your expectations/life goals and make adjustments

    - Gather Facts: Job growth, income ranges, job descriptions, education requirements

    - Identify and talk with experts in your potential career path

    - Discuss long-term opportunities for growth

  • Validate your career and education choices

    - Pick the RIGHT major or another education pathway

    - Talk about your talents & contributions easily ( job interviews, reviews, resumes, etc.)

    - Understand the formula so you can move forward with purpose and confidence

  • - Family Strengths Session

    - Coach in your Pocket - Get one year of access to your coach for the hiccups life can throw your way!


Dillon Shares His Experience



  • College planning coaches (like SAT/ACT, essay writing and college admissions coaches) help students get into college.

    Career planning coaches help you solidify why you want (or don’t want) to go to college. They also help you better enjoy your college experience by reducing the overwhelm and confusion around picking a career path and college major. You will be better prepared for life after college by getting a head start on determining a career path.

  • We find that most students struggle with picking a college major. In fact, two out of three, report feeling very overwhelmed by the process (even if they are not sharing that with adults in their life). Yet, it is simply because they do not know how to think through the abundance of choices. A career coach can help you work through this process. This is a big decision!

  • During our career coaching, we help you learn about your natural talents through the CliftonStrengths assessment. By understanding your natural talents, you will be better able to communicate how you are wired and why you do the things you do.

    Through our coaching you will be able to use the information to:

    • Write your college essays in a language and with content that feels very natural to you

    • Request personalized, highly focused, and relevant college admissions recommendations from your teachers & counselors

    • Shape your career path to get jobs that energize you and make you happy

    • Improve job interviews by being able to explain your strengths clearly

  • The customized CliftonStrengths report provides you with the language to explain who you are in your essays and why you are the best candidate for that college. By the way, it is also a great way to explain your strengths and weaknesses in a job interview!

  • Spending time thinking about a career choice helps you gain clarity regarding why you want to go to college in the first place. As a result, opportunities and choices become apparent.

    1. A choice of major becomes much easier to pick based on the career path you choose. Which reduces the chance you will change your major multiple times while in college. (80% of students change majors 3x or more.)

    2. By picking a college major, it may narrow the colleges you consider based on if the major is offered there.

    3. There are often additional scholarships available within a specific major or department at your chosen university. Clarity of purpose and being specific in your major can open doors to these additional scholarships.

  • You will be able to:

    • Focus in on your career choices by aligning them with your interests, skills, and strengths.

    • Learn the process you can use throughout your life to create a career path you will continue to thrive in.

    • Identify, understand and use your natural talents. You can intentionally use your talents in both work and home life to energize you and make you happy!

  • Only 41% of students graduate from college in four years. When a student goes to college with a career path in mind and a solid decision regarding a college major, they have a much better chance at graduating in four years versus the six years it is taking many students.

    Tuition will run about $22,000 per year on average plus another $10,000 for living expenses. Each additional year you take to graduate costs your family real money.

  • 2 out of 3 college grads struggle to launch their careers. Students who have focused choices regarding a career path and are more confident with their college major have a much better chance of securing internships, fellowships, graduating on time, and finding a job immediately out of college.

  • We encourage our clients to keep their parents updated on our discussions and to share their CliftonStrengths and career assessment results. However, we leave that up to you for when you are comfortable to start the conversations.

    Our coaches will reach out to your parent/guardian periodically to update them on our coaching and conversations so we can get their perspective. We will not share anything that you have asked us to keep private. If we feel you are in danger at any point, we will notify your parents/guardian.

 So many years of education…yet no one taught us to love ourselves!